Friday, June 15, 2012


Dark circles under the eyes have long since been a frustration of those who bear them. They can make you look tired, old and ruin your overall youthful facial appearance. Some are caused by fatigue, poor eating and drinking habits and even genetics amongst other things. Whatever the cause, those who are at their wits end with trying to eliminate them will welcome these permanent solutions. Here is a list of ways to naturally eliminate dark circles under the eyes and to help with your natural facelift. 

Nutmeg and Milk- You can use nutmeg and milk to cure dark circles under your eyes. First, combine them to make a paste. Once you've done this, apply the paste under and around your eyes. Leave it on for about five minutes and then rinse off.

Cucumber Juice- Perhaps the most common way to get rid of dark circles under your eyes is by using cucumber juice. You can apply sliced cucumbers directly to your eyes or you can use cotton pads that have been soaked in cucumber juice. Cover your eyes for about 15-20 minutes. This is long enough for the juice to produce a cooling effect and reduce the puffiness and dark circles under your eyes.

Tomato and Lime Juice- You will want to mix equal parts of these two juices to make this remedy. After washing your face, apply the mixture under your eyes with cotton balls and then rinse after about 30 minutes. Repeat this process daily until you achieve the results you are looking for.

Acupressure- Acupressure is said to be the ancient Chinese secret to anti-ageing. It is said to heal numerous aches and pains all over the body as well as aid in weight loss. In addition, you can use acupressure to get rid of dark circles by pressing firmly with your index finger for 3 seconds on the bone just below your eyes. Repeat this process 10 times every morning.

Mint Leaves- You can also use mint leaves to eliminate the dark circles under your eyes. Crush the leaves into small pieces and then apply to the circles under your eyes for about 20 minutes.

Potato- Potatoes are not just for making French fries anymore. This is another remedy that can be used to reduce swelling, puffiness and do away with dark circles under your eyes. Cut two peeled potato slices and apply them to your eyes. It is recommended that you leave them on overnight three times to get the best results.

By using these natural remedies to eliminate the dark circles under your eyes you will see an added youthfulness and vitality in your facial appearance.


  1. My aunt also suffered from dark circles under her eyes in the past. To get rid of them, she underwent a blepharoplasty treatment. Her doctor was very professional and skilled and so the results were extraordinary. This cosmetic procedure really made my aunt look younger by several years.

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